Sunday, March 8, 2009

Obama Inauguration Events - Day 2

As if meeting the Obamas wasn't enough, it was just the beginning of an amazing week...

The next morning, we were escorted through the massive crowd, 2 million deep, to the Mall with a direct view of the Capitol. It was difficult to get a real sense of how many people were there until I saw us all on the teleprompter. Even then, it was so surreal. It was incredible... and freezing!

I have honestly never been so cold. It had been 70 degrees in Sacramento before I left. So, although I was layered and bundled up, I could not fully appreciate how cold it would actually be. The whipping wind was biting my face. My lips were numb. My nose kept running. But although my frozen toes ached through my wool socks, I couldn't help but feel elated.

The crowd was warm and friendly. There was an air of excitement and peace. People kept reaffirming, "We're all family today." A local woman told us what a welcome change it was to feel the flow of positive energy rather than the opposition of so many recent demonstrations.

To be there, among all the national and world leaders... and among the people... to feel the energy reverberating between us... it was truly awe-inspiring. I could feel the magnitude of his presence... the magnitude of what was about to happen. This was history.

As he took his oath of office, I felt so moved by the magnitude of these words. Upon his speech, a feeling of hope resonated through the crowd... His metaphorically outreached hands and heart spoke to the world... offering cooperation, not domination. He offered a "new way forward based on mutual interests and mutual respect... we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

I could only be swept up by the sea of patriotism that surrounded us. It was so alive and swelling. The dream was finally being realized. And I felt proud... to be a part of this moment... and this country. Proud. Finally.

Afterward, the mass exodus was nothing I'd ever experienced. We started to walk to the metro station, foolishly thinking that we could actually get to one.

Sandwiched in tightly at times, we slowly worked our way through through the ebb and flow of the sea, ultimately, walking to our hotel in Georgetown. Incredibly though, even as we were in this gridlock of people, there was a sense of calm. Even with such an extent of confusion, so many people crowded into such relatively tight quarters, no arrests were made this whole day. In fact, I never saw anyone outraged nor felt any sense of mayhem. There was only positive energy flowing throughout the city that day. Everyone reached out to help each other. That night, we went to the ball of all balls... The Neighborhood Ball. This was the 1st ball that Mr. President and Mrs. Obama attended. At this televised ball, Beyonce sang "At Last" during their 1st dance of the evening.

The additional incredible lineup of performances included Mariah Carey, Mary J Blige, Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Maroon 5, Faith Hill, Will-I-Am, Sting, Stevie Wonder and Shakira. Among the hosts were Denzel, Leo DiCaprio, Queen Latifah. It was a glamorous evening to wrap up our day's array of experiences. I feel incredibly privileged to have been a part of it all. And incredibly grateful to everyone who made it possible. This experience made me feel even more empowered... and ready to do my part.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama Inauguration Events - Day 1

I had the incredible privilege of traveling for the 1st time to Washington DC for this year's historic inaugural events. This was a trip of a lifetime. I knew that it would be an experience that I could take with me for the rest of my life. But I had no idea the extent of my experiences ahead. Obama had dedicated Martin Luther King Day as a Day of Service. In honor of this day, I attended a volunteer event at Coolidge High School. There, I had the very distinguished honor of meeting Barack and Michelle in person. They came around to meet each of us personally and to thank us for our service. I will tell you this of each of them... They challenge each of us to be a part in creating the change, not just waiting for the change to happen… not just complaining about what’s wrong, but making things right. They were both so genuine. Barack (Mr. President) has such a calming presence and ideally seeks cooperation over opposition. Michelle’s gaze bore through me, connecting to my soul while we spoke. She inspires me to be completely committed in each of my roles… as mother, wife, professional and community leader. The energy they both emanate is infectious and exhilarating. For the first time in my lifetime, I feel impassioned about my country and its leadership. I feel like, Wow, this is what being an American is all about! I'm empowered to make a real difference. This is really what I’m all about... setting the bar high... living each day of life fully… and doing little things to make a big difference. More to come on the inauguration...