Monday, August 25, 2008

Get Organized

If you're like me, you keep everything of (what you mistake as) value. You know: perfectly good, but rarely, if ever, used. Let's start with your wardrobe. This includes the expensive, but outdated designer outfit hanging in your closet. I had one hanging up that was at least a size too small, but cost me a fortune 8 years ago when I bought it.

Then, there are also those items with a certain sentimental value to them. What about the set of china that you registered for when you got married 10 years ago? Does it sit there taking up space in a china cabinet? Or better yet, maybe it's stored away in boxes collecting dust. You're just waiting until the kids grow up for an opportunity to use them. I know. I mean, who wants to wash 16 place settings of fine china anyway?

Well, here are my rules to obtaining organization in every aspect of your life:

Rule #1: If you haven't touched it in 2 years, get rid of it.

Chances are that you don't value it as much as you thought. Wear clothing that make you feel fabulous. And, as I discusses in my previous blog on personalizing your space, only display and keep items in your home that reflect your best self. You want to make sure the things around you make you feel good. For anything that doesn't meet this criteria, donate it to your favorite charity, have a garage sale or sell it online. Ebay and Craig's List are popular sites for selling new and used items on the web. This includes all of those toys in which your children no longer have interest. Get you kids involve. Let them know you'd like to gather toys and clothes for less fortunate children. It will teach them generosity along with how to pare down.

Rule #2: Stop the over-consumption!! Things do not define you as a person. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you need or even want it. Think through your purchases carefully. Don't even bring them into your home if they are only serving short term fulfillment. Besides being an awful waste resources, it just wastes your preciously earned money. It is so irritating to see clothes that have sat in my closet for months with their tags still hanging from them. Then, before I know it, they're off to be donated with the tags still attached. I realize that I never really wanted them in the first place. Remember, we only want to own things that reflect the best in us.

Rule #3: Sort, Categorize, Alphabetize, and Label!

Honestly, not only does it make your space and storage look nice, but these are really key to an organized, efficient space. It only takes a conscious effort to put things back in their place. I eliminate wasted time searching by returning things to their proper location each time I put them away. By installing a closet system, I categorize and sort by color clothes in my closet, socks in my drawer and shoes on my shelf. It really saves me precious time getting ready in the morning. There are professional closet installers or you can do it yourself with a basic system from Lowe's or Home Depot.

Alphabetize your spice rack and store pantry items so that they are all visible. My pantry is divided into sections so that I know exactly where to find what I'm looking for. It will help you determine what you need from the grocery store and what to make for dinner. It is especially handy to divide your kitchen into zones according to tasks and store frequently used items within easy reach.

In addition to storage cabinets and shelving, there are also some really great storage boxes for everything from your children's art and toys to magazines and media. West Elm has some nice options. I keep our CDs alphabetized in a CD cabinet and DVDs stacked on shelves in labeled boxes. This allows me to quickly and efficiently find what I want to listen to or watch. However, this is also an area that can get out of hand. Take a look at what you own and whether you still have any interest in that music or movie. Check out to sell your unwanted CDs and DVDs. Recycle your outdated magazines or clip and file articles (by category, of course) that you want to maintain for reference.

Incorporating these rules into your life will not only create organization, but they will lighten your psychological load. You may not realize it, but clutter and disorganization has profound affects on your mind too. Alleviate stress and frustration: use these tips and get ORGANIZED!!

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